
miete ("thought") + lause ("phrase")

count: 3

filter: tag = confidence clear

Linchpin (Seth Godin)

A cornerstone of your job is selling your boss on your plans, behaving in a way that gives her cover with __her__ boss, being unpredictable in predictable ways. You have to earn the confidence of the company.
page: 226
tags: work impact influence confidence

Reality is Broken (Jane McGonigal)

Seeking 'relaxing fun', such as watching TV, is our way of balancing the negative stress we encounter. But most often, this relaxing fun moves us too far in the other direction, to slight depression, making us less motivated, less engaged, and less confident overall.
page: 32
tags: confidence engagement motivation stress

Winning (Jack Welch)

Take every opportunity to inject self-confidence into those who have earned it. Use ample praise, the more specific the better.
page: 67
tags: praise confidence