
miete ("thought") + lause ("phrase")

count: 4

filter: tag = impact clear

Linchpin (Seth Godin)

You can say your lines and get away with it, or you can touch someone and make a difference in their lives forever
page: 93
tags: impact

A cornerstone of your job is selling your boss on your plans, behaving in a way that gives her cover with __her__ boss, being unpredictable in predictable ways. You have to earn the confidence of the company.
page: 226
tags: work impact influence confidence

Made to Stick (Chip Heath)

To be surprising and impactful, an event can't be predictable, but it MUST be post-dictable: it has to make sense if you think about it, but not something you would have seen coming.
page: 71
tags: surprise impact

Drop in the bucket effect. If people feel overwhelmed by the scale of the problem, their contributions seem meaningless.
page: 166
tags: impact effectiveness problems meaning