
miete ("thought") + lause ("phrase")

count: 6

filter: tag = engagement clear

Grit (Angela Duckworth)

Intelligence character: Curiosity and zest, encourage active and open engagement with the world of ideas
page: 274
tags: character intelligence curiosity engagement

Reality is Broken (Jane McGonigal)

Seeking 'relaxing fun', such as watching TV, is our way of balancing the negative stress we encounter. But most often, this relaxing fun moves us too far in the other direction, to slight depression, making us less motivated, less engaged, and less confident overall.
page: 32
tags: confidence engagement motivation stress

To truly engage, the experience of participation should be rewarding on its own merits, and not through some extrinsic compensation.
page: 245
tags: engagement participation extrinsic

Gamers who have grown up being intensely engaged by well-designed virtual environments are hungry for better forms of engagements in their real lives.
page: 245
tags: engagement

Gamers practice shared concentration and synchronized engagement. They actively focus their attention on the game, and they agree to ignore everything else for as long as they're playing.
page: 269
tags: engagement attention

The Power of No (James Altucher)

List all the people you engage with more than 5 times a week. Rate how you feel after your interactions with those people
page: 41
tags: engagement