
miete ("thought") + lause ("phrase")

count: 45

filter: title = The Power of No clear

The Power of No (James Altucher)

when you have a tiny, tiny piece of crap in your soup, it doesn't matter how much more water you pour in and how many more spices you put on top. There's crap in your soup.
page: 27
tags: crap in your soup

Say no to anything that gets in the way of your daily practices, no matter how important it pretends to be
page: 32
tags: daily practices

Don't argue with people. Just say "you're right" and move on.
page: 32
tags: arguing

Treat yourself like someone you love
page: 35
tags: love

Catch yourself. Anger never accomplishes what you want it to
page: 35
tags: anger

Work the idea muscle every day. Articles to write, businesses to start, games to make. Write them down.
page: 38
tags: ideas

Exercise spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical health every day
page: 39
tags: health exercise

List all the people you engage with more than 5 times a week. Rate how you feel after your interactions with those people
page: 41
tags: engagement

Write down the things you loved to do as a child. The things that let you forget the passage of time.
page: 51
tags: interest

Find the areas in your life where you have enough and list them. This is where you are abundant. Find the areas where you need to define how much enough is.
page: 70
tags: enough

Write down ten ideas for your job that you think will add above-and-beyond value. Write down the next ten steps for those ideas. Write down the ten people you need to share those ideas with. Write to those people. Don't be afraid. The worst they can do is say no.
page: 75
tags: value

You are entitled to three nos for every yes in your life
page: 97
tags: no

Excuses are leaks in a boat. When you cover one, another pops up, and it's even bigger. It's hard to keep the boat repaired and get safely to shore if you have an excuse mindset.
page: 100
tags: excuses mindset

Burn your excuses (literally write them down and burn the paper. Or just light a candle and throw the paper way, to burn them symbolically)
page: 101
tags: excuses

If you're too busy complaining, you might not hear that someone is trying to share with you a better way
page: 103
tags: complaining

The no complaints diet
page: 104
tags: complaining

The source of many problems in relationships is that everyone wears masks at first in order to be liked
page: 105
tags: relationships

Use your assertive no, but sleep on it, be honest, delay, be loving, and surrender to the outcome
page: 107
tags: assertiveness

Do no harm. Will your action harm anyone (including yourself)?
page: 107
tags: harm

Exercise compassion. Everyone has their own struggles. Don't feel pity, but also don't waste time with blame.
page: 108
tags: compassion blame

When someone attempts to manipulate you, Acknowledge, Boundary, Close. "I see that this is a problem for you, but here is my limit." Then follow through.
page: 114
tags: manipulation

Abusive people: try to make you feel guilty, angry, afraid, wrong; make themselves the victim; turn others against you; sound clever and reasonable to anyone who listens
page: 115
tags: abuse

Treat everyone else as if it's their last day
page: 127
tags: respect

Life is a series of failures punctuated by brief successes
page: 128
tags: failure

Think about someone you dislike. Write down the traits about that person that repel you. Recognize that they live in you too. "Where am I in this?"
page: 134
tags: dislike

Write down your routine list
page: 142
tags: routine

Keep a things-I-did list every day
page: 142
tags: lists

Make a wish list for the day that just happened
page: 144
tags: lists

Count your blessings. Literally.
page: 138
tags: blessings

Write down your fears. Then think the opposite.
page: 146
tags: fear

Luck = diversification + persistence
page: 150
tags: luck persistence

Pauses in a conversation indicate love and respect
page: 151
tags: conversation love respect

Let them finish. Don't say yes in the middle. Don't nod your head. Count to two, then respond. Real communication happens in the silence between the words.
page: 152
tags: conversation communication

Before, during, and after you think, say, or do anything, determine if it will harm someone
page: 177
tags: harm speaking

Say no to your history, your upbringing, your things, your dramas, your relationships. Give up control of these things.
page: 191
tags: history control

There are 3 types of mentors: Direct, Indirect (200-500 books), Everything you encounter
page: 197
tags: mentors

It takes 5 years to reinvent yourself 1. Flail and read everything and start to do 2. You know how you need to talk to and network with. You're doing every day 3. You're good enough to start making money 4. You're making a good living and can quit your day job 5. You're making wealth
page: 199
tags: reinvention

Physical (stomach, sick/die/pain), emotional (anger, depression, resentment), mental (dull, bitter, uncreative), spiritual (not worthwhile, scarcity complex)
page: 145
tags: illness

Anger and depression are like the mirror cravings of a lonely soul.
page: 161
tags: anger depression

Your brain is just a tool you use. That's what failure is about.
page: 200
tags: tool brain failure

I can't read 500 books. What one book should I read for inspiration? A: Just give up.
page: 203
tags: reading

Someone who is reinventing always has spare time. Part of reinvention is collecting little bits and pieces of time and carving them the way you want them to be.
page: 202
tags: reinvention

If you plan on being alive in 5 years, you might as well start today.
page: 204
tags: planning

Networking levels - Yourself - Your family - Online community - Meetups/Coffees - Conferences and thought leaders - Mentors - Customers and Wealth Creators
page: 205
tags: networking

If you get depressed, sit in silence for 1 hour a day
page: 206
tags: depression