
miete ("thought") + lause ("phrase")

count: 13

filter: tag = failure clear

Bird by Bird (Anne Lamott)

We need to make messes in order to find out who we are and why we are here--and, by extension, what we're supposed to be writing.
page: 32
tags: failure

Grit (Angela Duckworth)

We point out their (children's) mistakes. We frown. Our cheeks flush. We teach our children embarrassment, fear, shame when they fail. Let them fail. Encourage them to try, and fail again.
page: 141
tags: effort failure

Failure is a cue to try harder rather than as confirmation that they lacked the ability to succeed.
page: 179
tags: failure ability

I'm not going to fail because I don't care or I didn't try
page: 250
tags: failure

Linchpin (Seth Godin)

You become a winner because you're good at losing. Successful people learn from the failure that the tactics they used didn't work or that the person they used them on didn't respond.
page: 115
tags: failure

Once you're done you can throw it away. Failure counts as done. So do mistakes. Destruction is a variant of done. Done is the engine of more.
page: 130
tags: failure shipping

What happens when your art doesn't work? Learn from it. Make more. Give more gifts. The only alternative is to give up.
page: 224
tags: failure

Mistborn (Brandon Sanderson )

A man can only stumble for so long before he either falls or stands up straight.
page: 409
tags: failure

Oathbringer (Brandon Sanderson)

Have you ever considered that bad art does more for the world than good art? Artists spend more of their lives making bad practice pieces than they do masterworks, particularly at the start. And even when an artist becomes a master, some pieces don't work out. Still others are somehow just wrong until the last stroke. You learn more from bad art than you do from good art, as your mistakes are more important than your successes. Plus, good art usually evokes the same emotions in people--most good art is the same kind of good. But bad pieces can each be bad in their own unique way. So I'm glad we have bad art.
page: 603
tags: failure growth

The longer you live, the more you fail. Failure is the mark of a life well lived. In turn, the only way to live without failure is to be of no use to anyone.
page: 789
tags: failure

Reality is Broken (Jane McGonigal)

When we see success or failure as an entirely individual affair, we don't bother to invest time or resources in someone else's achievements.
page: 88
tags: failure success resources

The Power of No (James Altucher)

Life is a series of failures punctuated by brief successes
page: 128
tags: failure

Your brain is just a tool you use. That's what failure is about.
page: 200
tags: tool brain failure