
miete ("thought") + lause ("phrase")

count: 13

filter: tag = ideas clear

Linchpin (Seth Godin)

People who tell you that they don't have any good ideas are selling themselves short. They don't have ideas that are valued because they're not investing in their art.
page: 53
tags: ideas investment art

All creative people generate a slew of laughable ideas for every good idea. Solving the problem of finding bad ideas will make finding good ideas surprisingly easy.
page: 117
tags: ideas

Made to Stick (Chip Heath)

Is it possible to make __true, worthwhile__ ideas circulate as effectively as false, more inherently interesting, ideas?
page: 5
tags: ideas

Not every idea is stick-worthy, but the ones that are, we want to stick in a way that themes and ways of thinking endure long after the individual factoids have faded.
page: 9
tags: themes ideas

If you have to tell someone the same thing ten times, the idea probably wasn't very well designed.
page: 9
tags: design ideas

Most of the time, you only get one shot to get an idea to stick. So how do you know, __in advance__, which way will stick?
page: 10
tags: ideas

There are only two ways to beat the curse of knowledge: don't learn anything, or take your ideas and transform them by following the sticky ideas checklist. (conveying ideas tag, 1-6)
page: 20
tags: knowledge ideas

The more we reduce the amount of information in an idea, the stickier it will be.
page: 46
tags: ideas

The world will always produce more great ideas than any single individual, even the most creative one.
page: 242
tags: ideas creativity

People who are captivating speakers typically do no better than others in making their ideas stick--it's the stories that stick, regardless of the speaker.
page: 243
tags: ideas stories speaking

TED Talks (Chris Anderson)

Ideas are always provisional. But once an idea is formed in our minds, no one can take it from us without our consent.
page: 11
tags: ideas

"[A talk is] not about being right, or safe--it seems to me--so much as about having a staggering opportunity to create something that will breed further ideas."
page: 248
tags: bruno guissani ideas talks

The Power of No (James Altucher)

Work the idea muscle every day. Articles to write, businesses to start, games to make. Write them down.
page: 38
tags: ideas