
miete ("thought") + lause ("phrase")

count: 5

filter: tag = interest clear

Grit (Angela Duckworth)

Rush a beginner and you'll bludgeon their budding interest. It's very, very hard to get that back once you do
page: 108
tags: interest

Interests are not triggered by introspection, they are triggered by interactions with the outside world
page: 104
tags: interest

The initial discovery of an interest often goes unnoticed by the discoverer
page: 104
tags: interest

You can make a difference/impact on someone's life just by caring about them and getting to know what's going on
page: 222
tags: interest

The Power of No (James Altucher)

Write down the things you loved to do as a child. The things that let you forget the passage of time.
page: 51
tags: interest