
miete ("thought") + lause ("phrase")

count: 13

filter: tag = games clear

A Theory of Fun for Game Design (Raph Koster)

Games have to navigate between the Scylla and Charybdis of deprivation and overload, of excessive order and excessive chaos, of silence and noise.
page: 42
tags: games overload

As we grow up, we don't actually put away the notion of "having fun." We just migrate it to other contexts. There are games all around us, we just don't call them that.
page: 50
tags: fun games

It's worth asking ourselves what skills are more commonly needed today. Games should be evolving toward teaching us those skills.
page: 66
tags: skills games education

Reality is Broken (Jane McGonigal)

The people who continue to write off games will be at a major disadvantage in the coming years.
page: 11
tags: games

When you strip away the genre differences and the technological complexities, all games share four defining traits: a goal, rules, a feedback system, and voluntary participation.
page: 21
tags: games

"This was a whole different business, nothing like I'd ever known, like night and day... Thirty seconds of play, and I'm on a whole new plane of being, all my synapses wailing."
page: 40
tags: games

The closer we pay attention to the real and completely renewable rewards we get from games, the better we understand: games are a sustainable way of life.
page: 350
tags: rewards games

The Kobold Guide to Board Game Design (Mike Selinker)

People who wish to design games should play games. Lots of them. Don't make the decision to showcase your personal design talent at the cost of the game's quality by developing it in a vacuum.
page: 7
tags: design game design games

The most important member of your target audience is yourself. You have to be willing to play your own games ad nauseum if you are going to succeed, and you'll be miserable if the games you invent are not truly games you enjoy playing yourself.
page: 37
tags: games game design audience

If someone says "Let's play again" immediately after losing a game you designed, it's fun enough.
page: 39
tags: fun design play games

An elegant, easy-to-understand concept or mechanic that accomplishes 95% of what you want is much better than a clunky, obtuse mechanic that gets you 100%.
page: 45
tags: mechanics games design

If a player is losing but has no chance to gain ground, it will take away from the experience.
page: 52
tags: experience fun games

The Ultimate Guide to Video Game Writing and Design (Flint Dille)

Games are about empowerment, and creating a situation in which the narrative conceit of the game puts the player in a subservient role is not a winning formula.
page: 17
tags: games players