
miete ("thought") + lause ("phrase")

count: 7

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A Theory of Fun for Game Design (Raph Koster)

Humans like things that significantly reduce the odds of unpredictable things happening to them. But we also dislike tedium, so we allow unpredictable things inside the confines of predictable boxes, like games or TV shows or books. The purpose of games is to package up the unpredictable and the learning experience into a space and time where there is no risk.
page: 118
tags: predictability tedium risk experience

Grit (Angela Duckworth)

Some people get twenty years of experience while others get one year of experience, twenty times in a row.
page: 117
tags: experience

Different kinds of positive experience: the thrill of getting better is one, and the ecstasy of performing your best is another.
page: 137
tags: experience

Made to Stick (Chip Heath)

The Aha! experience is much more satisfying when it is preceded by the Huh? experience. Present a mystery, then help the reader solve it.
page: 81
tags: experience

TED Talks (Chris Anderson)

Yesterday you saw a sequence of things and experienced a sequence of emotions that is, quite literally, unique. You are the only human among 7 billion who had that exact experience.
page: 14
tags: experience emotions unique

The Kobold Guide to Board Game Design (Mike Selinker)

If a player is losing but has no chance to gain ground, it will take away from the experience.
page: 52
tags: experience fun games

When Breath Becomes Air (Paul Kalanithi)

There is a moment, a cusp, when the sum of gathered experience is worn down by the details of living.
page: 35
tags: experience