
miete ("thought") + lause ("phrase")

count: 6

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Linchpin (Seth Godin)

Pinpoint your audience, or your end up making your art for the loudest, crankiest critics. Trying to please everyone results in mediocrity.
page: 94
tags: audience criticism mediocrity

Made to Stick (Chip Heath)

The pitch is generally delivered by the expert, who needs to use concrete, not abstract, terms to communicate with the audience, who are the novices (and probably the ones with the money).
page: 118
tags: pitch communication audience

TED Talks (Chris Anderson)

Pictures of your team matter to you but not to your audience. If you must have one, depict your team in context during the presentation.
page: 123
tags: teams audience

"When I walk on stage, I always know what I want to have said before I walk off again. But I also want to connect with these people in this room today. It doesn't matter how many rooms I've spoken in before, today's audience is always new and different."
page: 145
tags: sir ken robinson audience speaking

Find "friends" in the audience. Early on in the talk, look out for faces that seems sympathetic. If you can find three or four in different parts of the audience, give the talk to them, moving your gaze from one to the next in turn. Everyone in the audience will see you connecting, and the encouragement you get from those faces will bring you calm and confidence. (Speaking with friends will help you find the right tone of voice, too.)
page: 187
tags: speaking audience

The Kobold Guide to Board Game Design (Mike Selinker)

The most important member of your target audience is yourself. You have to be willing to play your own games ad nauseum if you are going to succeed, and you'll be miserable if the games you invent are not truly games you enjoy playing yourself.
page: 37
tags: games game design audience