
miete ("thought") + lause ("phrase")

count: 8

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A Theory of Fun for Game Design (Raph Koster)

Take a stagnated genre, like 2D shooters (centipede, robotron, defender, galaga) and find a new dimension to add to the gameplay.
page: 78
tags: game design

Reality is Broken (Jane McGonigal)

In most computer and video games today, players begin each game by tackling the obstacle of not knowing what to do and not knowing how to play. A well-designed game should be playable immediately, with no instruction whatsoever.
page: 27
tags: game design

The Kobold Guide to Board Game Design (Mike Selinker)

People who wish to design games should play games. Lots of them. Don't make the decision to showcase your personal design talent at the cost of the game's quality by developing it in a vacuum.
page: 7
tags: design game design games

A player's successes and failures in the second act should obviously be the massive determining factor in whether he's the third act's frontrunner for victory. If that's not the case, the game is poorly designed.
page: 16
tags: game design

The most important member of your target audience is yourself. You have to be willing to play your own games ad nauseum if you are going to succeed, and you'll be miserable if the games you invent are not truly games you enjoy playing yourself.
page: 37
tags: games game design audience

I'm a fan of mechanics that force players to make hard choices. If you do only one thing well, and you can do it all the time, you never make any choices.
page: 57
tags: choice game design

The Ultimate Guide to Video Game Writing and Design (Flint Dille)

You should always be aware of how many times the hero is being nagged, or ordered, or bossed around in the game.
page: 17
tags: game design

The fifth time you hear the same wisecrack form the same character, the game feels stale.
page: 42
tags: dialogue game design