
miete ("thought") + lause ("phrase")

count: 18

filter: tag = writing clear

A Theory of Fun for Game Design (Raph Koster)

The house the cheese the rat the cat the dog chased caught ate lay in was built by Jack.
page: 38
tags: writing

Articles (Medium)

To write is to step away from the current moment. Or to step much deeper into it than you need. Either way, it is always to be one foot askew.
tags: writing

Bird by Bird (Anne Lamott)

Some days it feels like you just have to keep getting out of your own way so that whatever it is that wants to be written can use you to write it.
page: 8
tags: writing

Writing can be a pretty desperate endeavor, because it is about some of our deepest needs: our need to be visible, to be heard, our need to make sense of our lives, to wake up and grow and belong.
page: 19
tags: writing growth

A writer paradoxically seeks the truth and tells lies every step of the way.
page: 52
tags: writing lying

I'm the person whose job it is to hold the lantern while the kid does the digging. I don't even know what the kid is digging for half the time--but I know gold when I see it.
page: 56
tags: writing

If you're a writer, or want to be a writer, this is how you spend your days--listening, observing, storing things away, making your isolation pay off. You take home all you've taken in, all that you've overheard, and you turn it into gold.
page: 66
tags: observation writing

When you start off writing, you may want to fill the page with witticisms and shimmering insights so that the world will see how uniquely smart and sensitive you are. But much of the drama of humankind does not involve witticisms and shimmer.
page: 104
tags: drama writing wit insight

One of the things that happens when you give yourself permission to start writing is that you start thinking like a writer. You start seeing everything as material. Grist for the mill.
page: 136
tags: material writing

If you look around, I think you will find the person you need. Almost every writer I've ever known has been able to find someone who could be both a friend and a critic. You'll know when the person is right for you and when you are right for that person.
page: 171
tags: writing

Write down everything that happens to you, then take out the parts that feel self-indulgent.
page: 193
tags: writing

The real payoff is the writing itself, a day when you have gotten your work done. The total dedication is the point.
page: 215
tags: writing dedication

Writing is like building sand castles out of words. We believe, deep in our hearts, that if we build our castles well enough, somehow the ocean won't wash them away. I think this is a wonderful kind of person to be.
page: 231
tags: writing

People need writers to mirror for them and for each other without distortion. To say, "This is who we are."
page: 234
tags: writing

So why does our writing matter? Because of the spirit. Because of the heart. Writing and reading decrease our sense of isolation. They deepen and widen and expand our sense of life: they feed the soul.
page: 237
tags: writing spirit heart isolation life soul

Made to Stick (Chip Heath)

Stories have the amazing dual power to simulate and to inspire. And most of the time we don't even have to use much creativity to harness these powers--we just need to be ready to spot the good ones that life generates every day.
page: 237
tags: writing stories

Quotes (Misc)

Seen on quora: "Journaling is like whispering to oneself and listening at the same time." - Mina Murray
tags: writing

Reality is Broken (Jane McGonigal)

Monitor writing stats. "Writing+". Achievements based on things like days in a row, most words written in a day personal best, complexity of writing--words per sentence, sentences per paragraph. Use the data to improve clarity of writing and vary its structure.
page: 163
tags: writing