
miete ("thought") + lause ("phrase")

count: 5

filter: tag = insight clear

Bird by Bird (Anne Lamott)

You can see the underlying essence only when you strip away the busyness, and then some surprising connections appear.
page: 84
tags: insight

When you start off writing, you may want to fill the page with witticisms and shimmering insights so that the world will see how uniquely smart and sensitive you are. But much of the drama of humankind does not involve witticisms and shimmer.
page: 104
tags: drama writing wit insight

Linchpin (Seth Godin)

The craft of the painting, the craft of writing that email, the craft of building that PowerPoint presentation--those are the easy parts. It's the art and the insight and the bravery of value creation that are rewarded.
page: 53
tags: craft art insight bravery creativity rewards

Expertise gives you enough insight to reinvent what everyone else assumes is the truth.
page: 56
tags: expertise insight

Made to Stick (Chip Heath)

If you want an idea to stick, you have to break someone's guessing machine (surprise them), and then fix it by producing insight by targeting an aspect of your audience's guessing machines that relates to your core message.
page: 71
tags: surprise insight