
miete ("thought") + lause ("phrase")

count: 6

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Oathbringer (Brandon Sanderson)

Have you ever considered that bad art does more for the world than good art? Artists spend more of their lives making bad practice pieces than they do masterworks, particularly at the start. And even when an artist becomes a master, some pieces don't work out. Still others are somehow just wrong until the last stroke. You learn more from bad art than you do from good art, as your mistakes are more important than your successes. Plus, good art usually evokes the same emotions in people--most good art is the same kind of good. But bad pieces can each be bad in their own unique way. So I'm glad we have bad art.
page: 603
tags: failure growth

He felt good lots of days. Trouble was, on the bad days, that was hard to remember. At those times, for some reason, he felt like he had always been in darkness, and always would be.
page: 690
tags: darkness

The longer you live, the more you fail. Failure is the mark of a life well lived. In turn, the only way to live without failure is to be of no use to anyone.
page: 789
tags: failure

Sometimes, a hypocrite is nothing more than a man who is in the process of changing.
page: 967
tags: change

That a thing is hated is not proof that it's great, but the lack of hatred is certainly proof that it's not.
page: 1229
tags: greatness

Do better.
tags: improvement