
miete ("thought") + lause ("phrase")

count: 3

filter: tag = decisions clear

Against the Gods (Peter L. Bernstein)

Many irreversible decisions must be made on the basis of incomplete information, and once we act, we forfeit the option of waiting until new information comes along. Not acting has value. The more uncertain the outcome, the greater may be the value of procrastination.
page: 15
tags: action decisions

Any decision relating to risk involves two distinct yet inseparable elements: the objective facts and a subjective view about the desirability of what is to be gained, or lost, by the decision. Both objective measurement and subjective degrees of belief are essential; neither is sufficient by itself.
page: 100
tags: risk decisions

Reality is Broken (Jane McGonigal)

Taking the long view: working at scales far larger than we would ordinarily encounter in our day-to-day lives. Players of god games have to consider the impacts of their actions across the entire game.
page: 297
tags: decisions