
miete ("thought") + lause ("phrase")

count: 4

filter: tag = story clear

Made to Stick (Chip Heath)

The first sentence of a news article should contain most essential elements of the story. This is called a lead. The information gets gradually less critical further in the story. This is the inverted pyramid structure. This means a reader with a short attention span will get most of the information someone with a longer attention span would and also makes editing for brevity easier, as you can just lob off the bottom of the piece without losing critical information.
page: 30
tags: leads story

TED Talks (Chris Anderson)

A good personal story without a wraparound of an idea is an opportunity missed.
page: 67
tags: story idea

The Ultimate Guide to Video Game Writing and Design (Flint Dille)

We're in a medium that demands a lot of repetition, and our job as dramatists is to conceal this fact. We do this by writing alts. 20 different ways of saying the same thing, so we have a variation to use in each place that thing is needed to be said.
page: 37
tags: alts drama story

If you are going to have backstory, it should only exist to propel your story and your characters.
page: 38
tags: story