
miete ("thought") + lause ("phrase")

count: 6

filter: tag = optimism clear

Bird by Bird (Anne Lamott)

Everything is going to be okay, you just might not know exactly what okay is going to look like.
page: 87
tags: okay optimism

Grit (Angela Duckworth)

Optimists & pessimists are equally likely to encounter bad events. The difference is that optimists habitually search for temporary and specific causes of their suffering, whereas pessimists assume permanent and pervasive causes are to blame.
page: 174
tags: pessimism optimism suffering

Reality is Broken (Jane McGonigal)

Flexible Optimism: continually assessing our abilities to achieve a goal, and intensifying or reducing our efforts accordingly. When practiced, we see more opportunities for success, but don't overstate our abilities. and we don't overestimate the amount of control we have over the outcome.
page: 68
tags: optimism self-assessment goals effort opportunity success ability control

We reduce our optimism when we get feedback that we're pursuing unattainable goals or operating in a low-control environment. We recognize that our time and energy would be better spent elsewhere.
page: 70
tags: energy optimism time goals work

Our collective inability to focus on negative futures is our culture's biggest blind spot. We are very good at positive thinking, but we tend to avoid articulating worst-case scenarios, which unfortunately makes us more vulnerable to them and less resilient if they occur.
page: 309
tags: planning optimism

By turning a real problem into a voluntary obstacle, we can activate more genuine interest, curiosity, motivation, effort, and optimism than we can otherwise. We can change our real-life behaviors in the context of a fictional game precisely because there isn't any negative pressure surrounding the decision to change.
page: 311
tags: motivation effort optimism change obstacles