
miete ("thought") + lause ("phrase")

count: 12

filter: tag = learning clear

40 Ways To Live A Full Life By Age 30 (Ryan Holiday)

There are lots of ways to make money, fewer real opportunities to learn.
page: 2
tags: learning

"Any fool can learn by experience; I prefer to learn by the experiences of others" is how Bismark put it.
page: 31
tags: learning

A Theory of Fun for Game Design (Raph Koster)

Stories are one of humanity's chief teaching tools. Play is the other. Lecturing runs a distant third.
page: 88
tags: teaching stories learning

Research shows that if people who have trouble with spatial rotation tests are given a video game that encourages them to practice rotation objects and matching particular configurations in 3D, not only will they master the spatial perception necessary, but the results will be permanent.
page: 104
tags: learning

Articles (Medium)

Once you become comfortable, it’s hard to go back to the discomfort of learning and humility.
tags: learning

Grit (Angela Duckworth)

Wishing that you could do things better is extremely common during learning
page: 139
tags: learning

Don't think in terms of disappointment. Think that everything that happens is something that can be learned from.
page: 175
tags: learning

Linchpin (Seth Godin)

The difference between cogs and linchpins is largely one of attitude, not learning.
page: 43
tags: attitude learning

TED Talks (Chris Anderson)

Teaching and learning should bring joy. How powerful would out world be if we had kids who were not afraid to take risks, who were not afraid to think, and who had a champion? Every child deserves a champion, an adult who will never give up on them, who understands the power of connection, and insists that they become the best they can possibly be.
page: 172
tags: rita pierson education learning joy champions self-actualization

The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin (Benjamin Franklin)

(p) The habit of prattling, punning, and jesting only makes one acceptable to trifling company. Observe silence. Learning is accomplished through listening, not speaking.
page: 105
tags: learning

The End of Leadership (Barbara Kellerman)

In our zeal for efficiency, and in our belief that almost anyone can and should learn to do almost anything as quickly and expeditiously as possible, we have condensed and contracted learning to lead to meet the demand for instant gratification, characteristic of the twenty-first century.
page: 179
tags: learning efficiency

Worldview (Matt)

It's a fine line between wanting to help them avoid the problems by using the right things first and just wanting them to learn. Case in point: learning VBA was painful, but now I know firsthand that VBA is painful and subsequently listen to advice about painful things
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tags: learning teaching