
miete ("thought") + lause ("phrase")

count: 3

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Linchpin (Seth Godin)

Linchpins don't work in a vacuum. Your personality and attitude are more important than the actual work product you create, because indispensable work is work that is connected to others.
tags: work art indispensability connection

If you can write a linchpin's duties into a manual, you wouldn't need them. But the minute you write them down, they wouldn't be accurate anyway. That's the key. Linchpins solve problems that people haven't predicted, sees things people haven't seen, and connect people who need to be connected.
page: 59
tags: art connection problem-solving

It's damaging to have to put on a new face for work, the place we spend our days. It's damaging to build organizations around repetitive faceless work that brings no connection and no joy.
page: 71
tags: connection joy work