
miete ("thought") + lause ("phrase")

count: 10

filter: title = Worldview clear

Worldview (Matt)

I want what everyone else wants: autonomy to make my own choices, to affect change to improve my environment, and to feel that my contributions are valued.
page: 20180110101037
tags: meaning

Whether something makes your life better or worse depends on the scale of time involved.
page: 20180118074700
tags: life

In large group meetings in a business setting, most people clam up. Why risk judgment? That's the default response. But judgment is worth risking if you have something valuable to contribute. Some people still auto-filter everything regardless of the contribution value.
page: 20180123140800
tags: judgment filtering

Problem sentence affinity grouping is very interesting. The sheer volume of ideas is astounding when you give people the freedom to air grievances without having to, in the same thought stream, think of root causes or solutions or how to implement those solutions.
page: 20180123020900
tags: problem-solving

On Writing And The Fear Of Judgment: We are all complex creatures, so our work is merely one aspect of our character at a specific point in time.
page: 20180127105400
tags: worldview

"In my opinion, many of those close to us are the very worst people to help us with our writing. You need objective help from people you don’t care about – they’re called editors! They can help you make the book better – whatever stage you’re at. You can also join critique groups online to work through your book, but personally, working with paid editors has been the best way to improve."
page: 20180127105600
tags: editing

It's a fine line between wanting to help them avoid the problems by using the right things first and just wanting them to learn. Case in point: learning VBA was painful, but now I know firsthand that VBA is painful and subsequently listen to advice about painful things
page: 20180205145100
tags: learning teaching

everything is equally possible and meaningless on a long enough timescale
page: 20180205145200
tags: meaning possibility

The details of a person's opinions are less important than that person's willingness to examine and refine those opinions.
page: 201803020900
tags: opinions reflection

Not not interested is not interested enough.
page: 20200121102700