
miete ("thought") + lause ("phrase")

count: 8

filter: author = Ryan Holiday clear

40 Ways To Live A Full Life By Age 30 (Ryan Holiday)

Accomplishments don’t change who you are.
page: 15
tags: achievement

There are lots of ways to make money, fewer real opportunities to learn.
page: 2
tags: learning

"Of all people only those are at leisure who make time for philosophy, only those are really alive. For they not only keep a good watch over their own lifetimes, but they annex every age to theirs."
page: 12
tags: philosophy

Be willing to call things when the diminishing returns set in, it's how you move on when others are stuck.
page: 23
tags: diminishing returns getting unstuck

Owning a home is having a home. It's somewhere I want to get __back to__. The center I revolve around.
page: 26
tags: home

Pouring yourself into something you believe contributes to the world is one of the best ways to feel content and accomplished.
page: 27
tags: contentment achievement

"Any fool can learn by experience; I prefer to learn by the experiences of others" is how Bismark put it.
page: 31
tags: learning

You have to know why you do what you do -- what you prize and what's important to you. Or you will be endlessly comparing yourself against other people, which will not only be a major distraction, it will make you miserable.
page: 35
tags: why purpose