
miete ("thought") + lause ("phrase")

count: 9

filter: tag = worldview clear

A Theory of Fun for Game Design (Raph Koster)

Much of our view of the world is shaped by our perceptions and the way we filter information as it reaches us. Clarifying our understanding of that filter is reshaping our relationship to the world.
page: 178
tags: filter worldview perception

Bird by Bird (Anne Lamott)

You can safely assume you've created God in your own image when it turns out that God hates all the same people you do.
page: 22
tags: worldview

Grit (Angela Duckworth)

Each person carries around in their minds private theories about how the world works.
page: 179
tags: worldview viewpoint

Linchpin (Seth Godin)

What the boss really wants is someone who can see the reality of today and describe a better tomorrow.
page: 38
tags: vision worldview truth

Nobody has a transparent view of the world. We all carry around a personal worldview--the biases and experiences and expectations that color the way we perceive the world.
page: 174
tags: worldview

Abandoning your worldview in order to try on someone else's is the first step in being able to see things as they are.
page: 176
tags: worldview

Artists can't get attached to the object of their attention. The attachment to a worldview changes an artist's relationship to what's happening and prevents him from converting what he sees or interacts with into something that belongs to him, that he can work with and change.
page: 184
tags: attachment worldview

It's human nature to defend our worldview, to construct a narrative that protects us from uncomfortable confessions.
page: 186
tags: worldview comfort human

Worldview (Matt)

On Writing And The Fear Of Judgment: We are all complex creatures, so our work is merely one aspect of our character at a specific point in time.
page: 20180127105400
tags: worldview