
miete ("thought") + lause ("phrase")

count: 4

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Made to Stick (Chip Heath)

The most basic way to get someone's attention is to break a pattern. Humans adapt incredibly quickly to consistent patterns. Consistent sensory stimulation makes us tune out.
page: 64
tags: attention patterns adaptation simulation

When we imagine events or sequences we evoke the same modules of the brain that are evoked in real physical activity. Mental practice alone produces about two thirds of the benefits of actual physical practice.
page: 212
tags: practice simulation

Reality is Broken (Jane McGonigal)

"The human imagination is an amazing thing. We're able to build models of the world around us, test out hypothetical scenarios, and, in some sense, simulate the world. I think this ability is probably one of the most important characteristics of humanity."
page: 300
tags: humanity imagination modeling simulation

The Ultimate Guide to Video Game Writing and Design (Flint Dille)

When you play a criminal in Grand Theft Auto is that because you want to be a criminal or is it because you think it would be kind of fun to be something wildly different than what you are?
page: 47
tags: simulation