
miete ("thought") + lause ("phrase")

count: 3

filter: tag = rules clear

Linchpin (Seth Godin)

If you build a business filled with rules and procedures that are designed to allow you to hire cheap people, you will have to produce a product without humanity or personalization or connection.
page: 11
tags: humanity business rules procedures

If the rules are the only thing between me and becoming indispensable, I don't need the rules. It's easy to find a way to spend your entire day doing busywork. Trivial work doesn't require leaning. The challenge is to replace those tasks with rule-breaking activities instead.
page: 75
tags: busywork rules activities

Don't fit in. Don't follow the score (music). Know the rules, but break them. Don't let the system and your resistance indoctrinate you into following instructions.
page: 119
tags: rules