
miete ("thought") + lause ("phrase")

count: 4

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TED Talks (Chris Anderson)

Deliver the speech at least 5 times in your bedroom, paraphrasing the core ideas. Finish even if you mess up. The value of practice is less about memorization than about making you comfortable and less stressed. If you are confident and at ease, everyone will have a better time.
page: 150
tags: salman khan rehearsal

There's a kind of unintentional memorization that develops naturally from repetition. Memorization feels safer, but a little risk is good. Fear is energy, and you want some of that running through your wires.
page: 150
tags: mary roach rehearsal memorization

Prepare for a talk by talking. I start with a basic idea, figure out an introductory sentence or two, and then just imagine myself explaining it to people who care about the idea.
page: 150
tags: clay shirky memorization rehearsal

It's very important to rehearse multiple times, preferably in front of people you trust. Work on it until it's comfortably under your allocated time limit and insist on honest feedback from your rehearsal audience. Your goal is to end up with a talk whose structure is second nature to you so that you can concentrate on meaning what you say.
page: 155
tags: speaking rehearsal