
miete ("thought") + lause ("phrase")

count: 6

filter: tag = productivity clear

Linchpin (Seth Godin)

Organizing around average means that the organization has exchanged the high productivity of exceptional performance for the ease and security of an endless parade of average performers.
page: 54
tags: organization productivity performance security

The resistance makes people avoid learning to be more productive, because they're afraid that then maybe they'd actually have to do something. Same goes to the folks filling up notebooks with tips and tasks.
page: 115
tags: productivity note-taking resistance

Corporations are tempted to squeeze as much apparent productivity as the can out of each employee. This is fine for the assembly line, since it doesn't work without your presence. But the model has changed. The assembly line is gone.
page: 207
tags: productivity

Reality is Broken (Jane McGonigal)

Blissful productivity is the sense of being deeply immersed in work that produces immediate and obvious results. The clearer the results, and the faster we achieve them, the more blissfully productive we feel.
page: 53
tags: productivity results

Until and unless the real work world changes for the better, games like WoW will fulfill a fundamental human need: the need to feel productive.
page: 60
tags: productivity

The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin (Benjamin Franklin)

(p) Take care not only to be in reality industrious and frugal, but to also avoid appearances to the contrary.
page: 91
tags: appearance perception productivity frugality